
Frequently Asked Questions

Simply click on the Contact Us tab and fill out a contact form to get a call back from our representative. Or call us at: 813-864-7356. The entire process takes a few minutes and can be done on any device including your smart phone or tablet.
There is no forced dispatch. The dispatcher will be providing load offers to you and you can choose to accept or decline a load.
No, you can pause or cancel the agreement at any time with no additional fees?
No, the loads are booked under your MC. We do not take any additional cuts from your rate. You will receive the original rate confirmation directly from the broker the load was booked from.
Invoicing is included in all packages. The dispatcher can invoice brokers directly on your behalf, send invoices to your factoring company or request quickpay from brokers with no additional fee.
We work with over the road carriers with their own authority. You will need an MC, COI and W9 to get started. We dispatch the following equipment: dry van, reefer, flatbed, stepdeck, power only, box truck, hotshot flatbed, carhauler.